
Woodmansey Parish Council installs their latest defibrillator

As part of the programme to roll out defibrillators in the Parish, Cllrs have installed the latest unit at Woodmansey Village Hall on Long Lane.  Defibs can be life savers in an emergency situation and the Parish Council is proud to have installed a total of five units throughout our Parish.  The full list is now:

  • The Ship Inn, Hull Road
  • Woodmansey Primary School
  • Minstergate Surgery, Lincoln Way
  • Schofield Way Shops, Woodmansey
  • Village Hall, Long Lane, Woodmansey

All the units are logged onto the national database, the Circuit and are available to the public 24/7.

The Parish Council would like to sincerely thank Dogger Bank Wind Farm who provided a £1000 grant towards the new defib. Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be located more than 130 km off the Yorkshire coast and will generate enough renewable energy to power six million UK homes. A joint venture partnership between SSE Renewables (40%), Equinor (40%) and Vårgrønn (20%). The wind farm is being built in three consecutive 1.2 GW phases: Dogger Bank A, B and C – connecting to the National Grid in both East Riding of Yorkshire and on Teesside.

Chair of Woodmansey Parish Council commented “This is the second defibrillator that Dogger Bank had now provided grants for and on behalf of Councillors, I would like to sincerely thank the partnership for their commitment to our local community.”

Alexandria Hanson, Community Engagement Officer – Dogger Bank Wind Farm said: “We recognise community hubs like Woodmansey Village Hall are playing an increasingly valuable role in supporting our key communities and are so pleased our operator fund grant has enabled the installation of a critical lifeline for future emergencies in the area.”

Our photograph (LtoR) shows Kerri Harold, Chair of Woodmansey Parish Council, Alexandria Hanson Community Engagement Officer for Dogger Bank Wind Farm and Cllr Lynne McCormick at the site of the new defib. Cllr McCormick is the Guardian for all the defibs managed by the Parish Council and is responsible for ensuring all the units are for fit for purpose by carrying out regular checks – Lynne also checks on the units whenever they are used and ensures all the parts and consumables are in working order.