The Parish Council welcomed Dick Ellet from Men in Sheds to their March Meeting with a gift to the community of a number of bird and bat boxes which the Parish Council will be placing in green spaces around Woodmansey.
Men in Sheds is a health and wellbeing group which provides a forum for men struggling with their mental health to work and socialise together. Based at the Woodmansey Garden Centre they have worked with the Parish Council on a number of projects including the bird and bat boxes and the installation of noticeboards. The Group always welcomes new members and details can be found their website Join the Community — MenInShedsBeverley (
The Parish Council would welcome suggestions from residents on where they would like to see the boxes placing.
Our photos show Mr Ellet presenting the bird boxes to Cllr Claire Levy (who tabled the idea of placing bird and bat boxes around the Parish), along with a number of other Parish Cllrs.
Left to Right: Cllr Kerri Harold, Cllr Harry Bulmer, Cllr Claire Levy, Cllr Dave Shores, Cllr Jon Loss, Cllr Amanda Beal, Dick Emmet, Cllr Julie Loss