The latest project from the Parish Council working with our three primary schools was to partner with the ERYC Wastewatcher Team and visit the schools to speak about the importance of recycling and the impact of litter in our environment. Cllr Roy Begg from the Parish Council championed the project and even designed a drawing competition for the children to take away and complete in their summer holidays. Cllr Begg advised that there would be three winners from key stage 1 & 2 (who will receive prizes) and their posters will be displayed on our Parish Council notice boards and website and Cllrs are also going to approach ERYC and ask if some of the drawings can be framed and hung in their offices.
Each school had a different theme for their drawings Keldmarsh – “drowning in litter”, Dunswell – “Nature” and finally Woodmansey – “Safety”
The project will also see Cllrs take part in a litter-pick very shortly and thank you to ERYC for providing the equipment and PPE for this.
Big thanks to Karen Wagg Waste and Recycling Officer of the Wastewatcher Team and of course Cllr Begg for both taking time out of their busy schedules to speak to the children on these important matters affecting our environment.
Our photo show Karen and Roy at Woodmansey Primary and children at one of the assemblies held.
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