Below is the Parish Council’s observation on the proposed development off Raich Carter Way Dunswell
Comments for Planning Application 24/03336/STPLF Dear Sir/Madam,
Mr Andrew Crabbe,
You have been sent this email because you or somebody else has submitted a comment on a Planning Application to your local authority using your email address. A summary of your comments is provided below.
Comments were submitted at 24/01/2025 3:12 PM from Mr Andrew Crabbe.
Application Summary Address: Land South Of Raich Carter Way Dunswell East Riding Of Yorkshire HU6 7YJ Proposal: Creation of a park and ride with ancillary buildings including canopied waiting areas, welfare building and plant building; a bus depot; a petrol filling station with shop, car wash and EV charging bays; three drive through restaurants; creation of two vehicular accesses off Beverley Road; creation of two vehicular accesses off Raich Carter Way; and erection of an acoustic fence, with ancillary landscaping and infrastructure Case Officer: Mr Thomas Parker
Click for further information
Customer Details Name: Mr Andrew Crabbe Email: Address: 27 Willow Garth Eastrington East Riding Of Yorkshire DN14 7QP
Comments Details Commenter Type: Parish Council Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: Woodmansey Parish Council wishes to strongly object to the above proposed development, and as such, the application is referred to Planning Committee due to the considerable detrimental impact it will cause on local environment, infrastructure and existing residents
Our grounds for objection are summarised below, and we believe these constitute material considerations / grounds for objection.
Highways and infrastructure concerns
The Parish Council shares residents concerns over the impact on local roads and highways, and in particular the impact on the existing large roundabout which is currently already subject to heavy congestion and queuing traffic and intensive use due to the volumes of vehicles accessing and exiting the roundabout. In summary Cllrs do not believe the highways infrastructure will be able to cope with the additional volumes of hundreds more cars and buses and the resultant impact of the proposed development on traffic levels and congestion is unthinkable.
Noise & Light Pollution
The Parish Council is concerned the development will cause real and serious detrimental impacts on both residents and local wildlife due to the resultant noise, light and air pollution, not just because of the increased volumes of traffic, but also due to the nature of the development – a bus depot with maintenance facilities, car parks and drive throughs, all of which will cause real and serious air and noise pollution issue, aggravated by the predictable idling vehicles. In addition, we understand flood lighting will be needed across the development and this will be highly intrusive into existing residents properties. In summary, the Parish Council believes the noise and light, resultant of such a development (and especially in the understanding this will be a 24 hour facility), is completely unacceptable
The Parish Council believes that there is no demand for this facility in the first place and the services proposed are already in existence, specifically, restaurants and petrol stations are all located within a few miles of the proposed development. Furthermore, Cllrs share the view expressed by residents that a park and ride is not necessary as there is already a suitable bus service into the city centre
It is reported that the proposed areas is already subject to heavy flooding – further concreting of the land will result in increased flooding risk to existing residents, as has been clearly evidenced in other parts of the Parish as a result of the massive housing development endorsed by ERYC,
In addition the Parish Council fully support the comments and concerns of the Drainage Board in its letter of 16th January with regard to the additional strain the development will cause to the existing infrastructure leading to the increased risk of even worse flooding than we are witnessing at the moment. In addition the Parish Council notes the concerns for plans for dealing with foul water and noting the recent Barmston drain contamination which spread far and wide so quickly, we believe it is entirely predictable and reasonable to suggest overspills of contaminants from the proposed car park, petrol station and bus depot, and rubbish from drive throughs will all end up there to course future destruction.
Out of character with the local area
Cllrs are seriously concerned at the potential loss of further ‘greenbelt land’ – it also believes this is the wrong development for the wrong area. It is an overbearing industrial / commercial development which is completely out of character with the local rural setting. This is best set out by a resident’s comments:
The look of the landscape will also be changed. Instead of looking out over a field full of nature, we will look at a concrete mess with vehicles coming and going and flood lights that light up the sky. No one wants to look out of their window at 200 buses and 500 cars and a mass of concrete. Losing yet more green space is something that I am strongly opposed to.
Concerns for Consultation on this development
Finally, Cllrs would like to raise concerns with regard to the lack of consultation with existing residents, especially considering the size of this development and the undoubted impact it will have upon the residents. The Parish Council is particularly concerned that the Planning Portal is not up to date and many residents have advised they had sent in objections, which were not posted as of 20th January, the date of the Parish Council meeting. As with most Parish Councils, the views of residents affected by a planning application are very important to Cllrs and may considerably influence any decision of the Parish Council – with this in mind, as a representative body, it has to be of concern the Parish Council was not aware of the extent of resident concerns.