Explaining the Parish Precept – Your Council Tax Bill and the Parish Council Precept

Explaining the Parish Precept – Your Council Tax Bill and the Parish Council Precept

Every year residents will receive their Council Tax Bills from East Riding of Yorkshire Council, and on this they will notice the amount paid to the Parish Council as part of the Council Tax Base.  This section explains what this amount is and how it is arrived at.  The amount paid to the Parish Council is called a precept and is paid to all Parish Councils across England and Wales and is the main source of income for the Parish Council to carry out their activities on behalf of residents in the Parish.

The precept is set annually by each Parish Council, and in the case of Woodmansey Parish Council the amount is discussed at the monthly meetings several months in advance of when the amount is decided by Councillors and advised to ERYC – this is done at the January meeting each year.  Contrary to some beliefs the precept amount is not determined by how many houses there are in the parish – the amount of the precept is determined by Councillors who look at two things

1 What capital projects need financing for the forthcoming year to benefit the community

2 the budget of the Parish Council

The number of households in the parish is actually NOT in any way a factor to the Parish Council’s precept and in fact can remain the same no matter how many households there are – what it does mean is that if there are more households the amount needed by the Parish Council is spread further, meaning individual households will pay less.

Since 2022, Woodmansey Parish Council has not increased its precept for two years, despite considerable spending on projects in the Parish.  All these matters are discussed at the monthly Parish Meetings (held on the third Monday of the month in the Village Hall at 7pm) – everyone is most welcome to come and listen to how decisions are made which affect you.