The Parish Council is aware of a proposed solar farm in Woodmansey Parish at White Hall Farm near Long Lane. The matter is only at pre-consultation stage and has not been submitted for planning as yet, however Parish Cllrs are keen to hear from all parties affected by this proposal and as such have invited the developer Ecoengery to our September meeting.
Members of the public, particularly any residents affected by the proposed development, are of course most welcome to attend the Parish Meeting on 19th September, and details of this will be published shortly when Cllrs have had time to consider the arrangements – however it is likely that anyone wishing to attend will need to book a place so we can manage anticipated high numbers.
Further information will follow on our website, social media and noticeboards.
The briefing booklet sent to the Parish Council can be found here. 220726.WhiteHallBriefingPack_AW. (1)