
Notice of Precept Demand for Financial Year 2022 / 23

Each year the Parish Council must consider financial commitments for the new financial year and how to maintain the services it provides to the local community. Like most Parish Councils the main way we pay for these services is via what is called the annual precept which is an amount paid via ERYC as part of their local taxation framework.

A key decision each Parish Council must make each year is to decide if to increase, decrease or maintain at the current level. Woodmansey Parish Cllrs have been discussing the precept over several months and the projects, budgets, and commitments it would be facing in the new financial year. Even though the Parish Council is facing several financial demands going forwards, Cllrs believe that financial commitments can be met by existing finances and by continued careful financial management and effective budgeting. Therefore, Cllrs made the unanimous decision not to increase the precept in 2022/23 and to keep at its existing level.  Cllrs have agreed to use the reserve to finance important projects in 2022/23 such as the Queens Platinum celebrations.

The finances of Woodmansey Parish Council as a public body are always transparent and members of the public can see how Cllrs manage finances by viewing the monthly financial and budget reports, which posted on the website and are always discussed at the monthly Parish Meetings and to which members of the public are welcome to attend.

If you would like any information on any of the above, please contact the Parish Clerk.