
Annual Accounts and AGAR for the Financial Year of 2022-23 for Woodmansey Parish Council

The Parish Council is publishing its Annual Accounts for the financial year of 2022-23.  These reports will form the basis of the Annual Return (AGAR External Audit) which will also be posted on our website.  The next stage is for the accounts to be submitted for internal audit which is carried out by an independent auditor, Rackhams.

Report No.1 shows all the payments made by the Parish Council in 2022-23  Report 1of6 Annual Accounts Report for the year 2022-23 (Woodmansey)

Report No.2 shows the reserves held by the Parish Council  Report 2of6 Annual Accounts Report for the year 2022-23 (Woodmansey)

Report No.3 shows details and totals of all payees in the financial year Report 3of6 Annual Accounts Report for the year 2022-23 (Woodmansey)

Report No.4 compares spend with budget Report 4of6 Annual Accounts Report for the year 2022-23 (Woodmansey)

Report No.5 shows all monies received by the Parish Council Report 5of6 Annual Accounts Report for the year 2022-23 (Woodmansey)

Report No.6 summarizes the accounts for the financial year  Report 6of6 Annual Accounts Report for the year 2022-23 (Woodmansey)

As of 19th June, the Parish Council is publishing the AGAR Return Documents which can be found below – if you require any further information on this documentation, please contact the Parish Clerk

The formal notice can be found here Confirmation-of-the-dates-of-the-period-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2022-23 (Woodmansey)