
Hedgehogsrus and Woodmansey Parish Council visit Keldmarsh School to talk ‘hogs’

Cllrs recently agreed that the Parish Council would support a local charity Hedgehogsrus  Hedgehogs R Us  by purchasing a number of hedgehog gateways from the charity and offering these to the local schools in the Parish to raise awareness of this childrens’ loved little creature .   The gateways are designed to be placed in fences and allow hedgehogs to travel from garden to garden in search of food and habitat.

The charity lead, Linda Cook kindly agreed to join Cllr Claire Levy and Cllr Roy Begg on a visit to the first school, Keldmarsh Primary to talk to children on a range of ‘hog’ matters, including what to feed them and what not to feed them and how children can help hogs in their own gardens.  Each child was given a gateway to take home with them.  Science Lead at the School, Heidi Tibbetts told us that “the children were thoroughly engaged and they really enjoyed finding out more about hedgehogs and how they can promote their survival in the wild”. 

Our photos show Mrs Cook, Cllr Levy and Cllr Begg (first photo) joining children at Keldmarsh Primary