here are some pictures from our official reopening event which took place on Wednesday 31st November 2023.
With funding from Do It For East Yorkshire, we were able to welcome our guests, including the Deputy Mayor of Beverley David Boynton, members of Woodmansey Parish Council, representatives of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Oldroyd’s Corner, Molescroft Nature Network, Guide Dogs for the Blind, various NHS departments and other groups with which we work. Also present were representatives of many of our suppliers who were invited to see how there products have been used and to learn more about Beverley Men in Sheds, many members of other Sheds in the Humber region and, of course, members of the Shed.
The reopening was officiated by chairman Dick Ellett and the Shed was officially reopened by Rachel Meadows, the Volunteer and Community Development Manager of UK Men’s Sheds Association. For the members it was a fantastic day to meet the guests and to receive some amazing comments and feedback regarding the importance of the Shed and the work carried out by the members.
We would also like to thank Paul Oldroyd of Oldroyd’s Corner for the use of the community garden.