Council Members

Cllr Amanda Beal (Deputy Chair)

I joined Woodmansey Parish Council back in 2005. My family and I have lived on Long Lane in the Parish, and we are 4th generation farmers of our little farm and have been on this property since the early 1940’s

Life for me is always hectic, I run the livery yard on the farm, working at all levels in the equine industry, from welfare and rescue to transporting world class horses around the country. I also work in the customer service sector, events planning and retail. It has been known to nip home from my job of selling diamonds to lamb a sheep in my lunch break! My lifestyle keeps me very diverse, and I’d like to think it’s made me a very fair and level-headed person.

I enjoy been a Cllr on Woodmansey Parish Council, I feel it’s important to be part of the local community, been involved in local projects, planning our Parish for future years, protecting our countryside, and supporting our residents needs and requirements, whether that be the people or our local wildlife