
Defibrillators (Defibs) In Woodmansey Parish as of December 2023

Why do we need defibrillators

A defibrillator gives a jolt of energy to the heart, which can help restore the heart’s rhythm, and get it beating normally again. This simple piece of equipment is easy to use and doesn’t require training, but it could make the difference between life and death – so it’s important to find and use a defibrillator in an emergency.

What is the Parish Council doing

The Parish Council already manages 5 defibs in the Parish of Woodmansey

  • Outside of the shops on Shopeth Way
  • Outsides of Woodmansey Primary School
  • Outside of the Ship Inn, Hull Road
  • Outside of the surgery on Lincoln Way
  • Outside of the Village Hall on Long Lane

and as part of the budget discussions which took place earlier this year, Cllrs agreed to increase the number of defibs in the Parish with at least one new one every year.

The Parish Council Defib Guardian 

Our defibs are maintained and checked by Cllr Lynne McCormick, who is the Parish Council’s nominated ‘Guardian’ for our units.  As Guardian, Lynne’s responsibilities include regularly carrying out checks on all the units and also reporting and replacing anything which has been used.

Lynne does a brilliant job in ensuring all our units are working and updated.  She has to complete a form for each of the units which we then keep as a record

Location of Defibs in the Parish

To help locate the current defibs in the Parish, both private and Parish Council managed, we have created a document which shows where all the defibs can be found in the parish… click here for the details  Defibrillators In Woodmansey Parish updated as of Dec.23